Thursday, October 30, 2008

Got to walk around the city

Well hello everyone! I am happy to report that I am still alive (do not know why in the world I wouldn't be) haha. Today was a chill day for me. I got to sleep in to 10:30 and then got to walk around the beautiful city of Brno with Phil. It is absolutely amazing. (Pictures will hopefully be coming soon). I was apart of a conversation club tonight, which was just simply talking to Czech people in English (which im not half bad at). They love the language here and tonight was just a time for them to practice. It is a little tough for me because it was a little out of my comfort zone, which is good. I am being stretched just by simply talking to people I don't know. Please pray that God will help me be a little more outgoing so that I can make myself more available and be a little more interactive.


Stop, look, think,
Try to imagine the days of creation,
Try to picture God's hand sculpting the world,
The mountains, the valleys,
The beauty,
It is all around
Slow down, just take a second to look,
I know your day is busy, but you have time,
Think, appreciate, be amazed
There is so much detail, but you have to pay attention,
Don't just let it be a blur,
Really stop and look,
Isn't it beautiful,
Isn't it amazing,
Isn't it incredible,
Do you see it?
It's God's beauty


Laurie J. said...

Hey, Shay!
Great to hear of God using and stretching you already!
Loved today's poem -- your mom and I met early today and both of us watched the morning sky and were amazed by God. (I was actually amazed just to be up at that hour, but even more amazed by God!) :-)
Hope your trip is the adventure of a lifetime!

Jerolyn Bogear said...

Haha, I was going to post the same comment as Laurie (including the part about actually being up early enough to see the sky.) Keep letting Him stretch you, Son. Thanks for letting us know specifically how to pray for you. Love the poems.

Hales said...

So excited to hear what's going on and to know that God is stretching you, Shaphan!!! I am praying for you and can't wait to hear more!
Love you,
-- me :)

p.s. beautiful poem :D

Dusty Taylor said...

Awesome!!! Can't wait to see the pictures. Prayed for you today!

Jim Bogear said...

So proud son!
Tried to post comment yesterday but finally got the account back up...go figure, passwords:-)!!!
Grab the courage God desires to experience all He wants for you. Wisdom is critical but courage to act will help you fulfill your God-given potential. Awesome job on the poetry writing...Wow, I am impressed. Create the experience to make the memory! What an adventure.