Saturday, November 1, 2008

Praha (As they call it here)

Soooooooooooooooooo, as you might have guessed, today was my day in Praha. I got to walk around the city with some of the missionaries here. It was a fun and fairly long day. They city was absolutely incredible. The fact that some of these buildings are older then our country is mind boggling. One of the best parts is there is this bagel place that gives refillable drinks, which is pretty non existant in Europe, so I was very excited. I did get to walk on the Charles bridge which is the bridge in Mission Impossible. It was, however, very lame because they were doing contsruction to part of the bridge. Are you aloud to do that? Its like a world land mark!!! Anyway, it was an all around AWESOME day. I do have some pictures for you today so you can see (and be very jealous). I do apologize though because the blogger site loads one photo at a time and very slowly. You can find a few pics on my facebook at Again this still went fairly slowly so there are not very many.
In regards to yesterday, since I did not post, I got to be part of a prayer walk. It was very good. It was interesting to pray for people I did not know, in a country I had never been, with people I had just met. But it was awesome. I know I am not going to be able to do anything in the lives of these people in such a short time, but rather feel I am here as an encouragement to the people who are already here. I can help in any way that I can. I pray that God uses me in many ways and can not wait to see what is in store for the rest of the trip. I was also involved with a Fall Festival. Now I was the guy behind the door who handed out candy when they "trick or treated." At first I felt like I wasn't doing much, just handing kids candy, but then I realized that this is these kids' only chance to trick or treat, and I was bringing them joy. Thanks for reading. Prayers ALWAYS welcome.



Hales said...

God is using you in amazing ways babe!!! It sounds like you're having an awesome time. Keep doing all you're doing for God's glory. I am missing you, praying for you, and loving you!

the sniders said...

hey bro...haven't even seen the pictures and i'm already jealous. we are so proud of you and are glad you are having such an amazing time. i thought it was funny that your favorite part was the refillable drinks. :D also, wanted to let you know that you can post more than one pic at once on blogger. when you open the picture window look above the browse button and you will see a think that says "add another picture" and it will give you another browse button. you can do like 5 pics at a time. hope this makes sense and helps so your followers can see these awesome places you're visiting. love you tons!