Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Tag On

Just a tag on today's blog. Please pray for me as homesickness is really setting in today. The people here are great, its just I really miss home. Please pray as that I have more to learn and do and don't want to miss it but seem to be overwhelmed with sadness. I desire to go home but know that I need to be here. Please just pray that I can make it through strong with the joy my Father blesses me with. Thank you again



Jerolyn Bogear said...

I'm praying now.... Don't miss out on your time alone with the Lord each day. Be in the Word. He will hold you up. Don't miss what He has for you over the next 7 days.

Love you so much,

Mike Skor said...

Stay strong Shay. The Skor Family is praying for you. It's often in these times, when we are watching and waiting, that the Lord has the greatest stuff for our ready for Him and don't miss it!!

the sniders said...

just think, in about 5 days, you will be with ME!!!!!!! what more could you ask for...oh yeah, haley will be there, too. :D seriously, bro, hold on. don't miss out on these next few days. you'll regret it later if you do. love you so much and praying for you. oh and grandma and grandpa read your blog but weren't able to comment, so they wanted me to tell you that they love you and are praying for you.
love you lots, little bro.