Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Why Hello

Dear Peoples,

I have a lot to catch you up on. Well last Thursday was a good full day, but it was relaxing. I got to talk to some guys in the morning while we burned papers, then I got to have lunch with one of the missionary couples, next I got to play a little ping pong and go with Jason (the man of the couple I had lunch with) and his kids to the park. Then I went out to dinner with Phil Nettleton (to the same resuraunt I went to for lunch, I didn't want to say anything). Then we had conversation club. Now this was really good for me, I got my own group to talk to. As some of you know this was a HUGE step for me. I had to take charge and be outgoing. It actually went really well. After I got past the "Hello's" it got a whole lot easier. Then that night I was helping Phil on the computer for almost almost 3 hours!!! It was an......... adventure.

Now Friday. We had a team meeting in the morning, then prayer with the pastor. Then later that afternoon I started helping with the Bazaar, which is like a garage sale. It went pretty well that night. Then I played a board game with some of the guys who come to Majak every friday night. It is a whole new experience learning a Czech game with guys who speak Czech. Now two of them spoke very good english and were able to explain the game to me but if they weren't talking to me they were speaking Czech and that was weird. I have always been able to understand people when I play a game with them. We also had some dinner prepared by another missionary couple.

Then Saturday we had the Bazaar all day. It was raining so it was slower. Then Sunday we had church. It is one of the hardest things to stay focussed in a church where you can not understand one word that is coming out of the pastor's mouth. I could catch "Christo", and he would sometimes say "Let us pray" in english and then "Amen". Not a lot from an hour and a half sermon. Anyway, after that we had chili for lunch and just talked. Then at the English service that night I got to play guitar for worship. It was a new experience for me. It was good. Then I got to help out with the kids, which was pretty fun.

Yesterday I helped move stuff back up into the attic from the garage sale. I also spent some really good time just sitting outside by myself. It was really good for me just to sit there, freezing cold, with my Father. Then, for one of the English classes I made smoothies. Last week when I was in there they found out that that is what I do and they don't have smoothies here. So I made them. I think they liked them or they were just being nice.

Then this morning I went to prayer breakfast with the guys and had a good discussion. If you could pray for me, just that God would continue to use me and stretch me and teach me, I just don'y want to miss anything. Thank you. And now you are all caught up. Hope you enjoyed. Later



Hales said...

Haha Shaphan, I love your humor. You sound super busy and like you're having so much fun. I will be praying for you -- just let God work :). You're awesome!
I love you

Jim Bogear said...

Thanks for the update. Love God. Love His people son.
Leaders must first really learn to follow so that they credibly lead. You must first step in the footprints of our Father, before you can expect others to trust your footprints. Love you, pray for you daily, and proud of you.

Jerolyn Bogear said...

Hey, Bud. Thanks for all the detail. You anticipated my questions, didn't you? What a good son. Love you and praying for God's best for you.

the sniders said...

too funny about the restaruant thing...and the 3 hour computer experience. but it sounds like things are going really well. way cool about playing guitar and having your own group at the convo club. i LOVE that you made them all smoothies! :D i'm sure they loved them! :D love you, bro!

Laurie J. said...

Sounds like you are being stretched in neat ways and being useful at the same time! I'm praying for you!

Hales said...

Hey Love,
check your e-mail when you can.
I am praying for you.
I love you.
Don't give up or give in!
He is YOUR strength

Holaday said...

Thanks for the udpate Shay. Sounds like God is using you in amazaing ways!!!

The boys and I back home are all praying for you diligently during the week. Mitch has even been sending out text messages reminding everyone to pray!

Keep working hard and stay focused on the Lord!

Ryan and Desyrae said...

Keep on keeping on Shay! We believe in you!